Hello My Fellow Virtuosos...
In this season of giving it is important to think beyond your normal family and friends and still reach out to those people who make your life and business possible. This brings us to Holiday Tipping and bonuses! Who in your life or business, has gone a step beyond for you this year, who is always there when the S*** hit the fan... These are the people you may want to acknowledge and recognize throughout this season. Whether its for your super, cleaning company, assistant or babysitter; it is important that ESPECIALLY in this down economy you stop, take a moment and give a little.
Yes, its a recession. Yes, you've lost income, but so have those people who surround you and make your success that much easier. So in short, you don't need to give a lot, you may give less than you did last year. But giving to these individuals will go a step beyond their expectations of you and will solidify their support in the coming year of 2010! Remember your relationships are a crucial part of your growth as a business owner!
I found the following suggested amounts in an article I read recently... Take a look for suggestions on how much to give and who to give to....
Christmas Tipping
If you are one of many who feels that tipping at Christmas is stupid and unnecessary, then by all means don’t tip. I am not someone who believes there is a moral obligation to give Christmas tips. For those of you wishing or planning on tipping, here are some tipping guidelines to consider.
Christmas Tip – For Who and How Much?
Babysitter: One evening’s pay, plus a small gift from your child.
Barber: Cost of one haircut, and/or gift.
Beauty salon/hairstylist: $10 to $60 each, giving most to those who provide the most service.
Child’s teacher: Give a gift, not cash. Consider a Gift Certificate; fruit basket or picture frame.
Daycare Services: $25-70, plus a small gift from your child.
Dog walker: One week’s pay and/or a gift.
Doormen/Concierge: $10 to $80 each, with a bigger tip for the doormen who serves you more.
Garage attendants and newspaper deliverer: $10 to $30 each.
Housekeeper: One day’s pay.
Mail carrier: Gifts up to $20 each, but no cash. *See the rules below for giving Christmas tips to USPS workers below. Only tip your regular mail carrier that you know and see regularly.
Nanny/Au pair: One week’s to one month’s salary based on tenure, plus a small gift from your child.
Personal trainer – $60-100 upon reaching goal.
Super: $25 to $100.
Doorman: $10 to $80.
Handyman: $15 to $40.
Trash collector: $10 to $30 each (for private service); for municipal service, check local regulations.
I hope this helps a bit and gives you a new perspective on the tradition of giving around the holidays... Thanks for reading!
Your fellow Virtuoso,
Senior Writer & Consultant
Biz Virtuoso, Inc.