Your Social Media Identity...
Social media, you and your business.... How many of us effectively utilize it, abuse it or just don't understand it's value? I would say, that I've been on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and some of the other social media sites, basically since their inception. Initially, as we all do, this was used for social connection, voicing my opinions and even sometimes for my random rants! Some things have stayed the same... And some things have drastically changed. However the real reason for today's summary is to chat about who you are on the social media sites and how it can either supports or hamper your abilities as a business owner or professional.
You... As a unique individual, millions and trillions of thoughts surface in you mind on a daily basis, doubts, excitements, fears and successes. Whether you've discovered it or not... Your uniqueness is valuable and can become a priceless message to someone else's life experience and challenges right now. How can you translate all you are and all you think to a medium such as Facebook, EFFECTIVELY?
One way is by clearly defining your brand or brand identity and staying true to that at all times. Branding, on social media sites, is time consuming, PERIOD. You cannot brand or effectively reach the number of people you would like in one shot. However, with time, energy and finesse in this process you will effectively be delivering your brand message to your potential customers daily and for FREEEE!!! This can make or break you and your business. You must be careful that your message is correctly received; otherwise your efforts may not result in your desired outcome.
I am sure your saying, that's great and all but, how can you summarize yourself up and repackage it to help people better understand you and your goals?
1. Be conscious of the statements you use and the messages on your page.
2. Be aware of all images you release and how they translate to people who may not know you or what you do.
3. Be visible about you and your business?
4. Be careful of the campaigns you follow, because this gives people more data to build a digital picture of you and your brand...
Want to learn more??? Read Social Media 101 by Chris Brogan and delve deeper into how you can optimize your experience and brand online!
Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Cynthia G. Peacock, President
Biz Virtuoso, Inc.
Biz Virtuoso, Inc. is a strategic business development firm focused on creating “Virtuosos” or experts in business development, management and strategy.