Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Solidify Your Brand | Defining your Target Market

Solidify Your Brand | Defining your Target Market

Here is your 2nd Holiday Gift to help you wrap up 2010 and become more strategic for the New Year and decade!  If you’ve been in business less than a year and are still seeing no movement in sales, maybe your approach is too broad.  With the state of the economy, having a well-defined target market or clarity in your ideal customer is more important than ever. To target customers the “Virtuoso” way you must develop a powerful brand that easily answers the buying questions of your target prospects.   With this clarity you can effectively launch a marketing program that will quickly generate sales and increase market share for your products and services within just 3 – 6 months of aggressive execution. So here it is…

5 Easy Steps that can help you define your target market:

       Data Mining within your current database.  As the business owner, you should not be doing this activity.  Outsource this task to an intern or assistant to get a comprehensive picture of your current customer profile.  Understand the important similarities and differences within your book of business.  Here are some examples: age, location, education, industry, hobbies, how did you meet or acquire customer, and how much business do they do with you?

       By using the above data you’ve discovered, develop a digital market segmentation of your database. A market segment is a sub-set of a market made up of people or organizations with one or more ... http://en.wikipedia.org Identify segments, lifestyles & purchase patterns of your customers.  Create multiple groups, lists and reasons for contact so that you can effectively touch these people based on their interests.

       Revisit your current brand or establish a new brand based on trends found.  Specialize and define yourself as a “Virtuoso” in a specific discipline or to a specific customer demographic based on the information you’ve found.  Be sure to clarify your new company mission and vision based on these findings.  This step will take you a few steps closer to optimizing your brand identity based on your ideal customer profile.

       Begin using social media marketing EFFECTIVELY.  In 2011, stop the random and unorganized posts.  Establish a campaign that will help your customers understand who you are, what you do and WHY you are the best business for them to use.  Your social media marketing process should include strategies that add your ideal customer groups, fan pages, individuals and businesses.  Go beyond just connecting and adding but deliver information that positions you as that customers “Virtuoso.”

       Launch an Internet Marketing focused on building Brand awareness.  As we’ve stated before, you must always be targeted in your approach.  Make sure you are listed in directories, websites, magazines and through vendors partners that have similar customers to your ideal customer base,

Once your read to execute this, contact us at info@bizvirtuoso.com and learn how to continue branding and solidifying your target customers for 2011.  http://www.bizvirtuoso.com/ or twitter.com/bizvirtuoso. If you need assistance please contact us at 1-800-383-1148 Or visit our website info@bizbirtuoso.com

Let’s Get on Target!!

Brenda Alexander

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