Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Networking Wednesdays & Happy Holidays!

Please make sure you keep your "Social" in all your Social Networking Campaigns!

Enjoy your holidays!!!
Your Fellow Virtuosos,

Biz Virtuoso, Inc.

FYI:  NYC SOUP is back, please join us at our first event of 2011 on January 19, 2010.   "Next Level" Networking with other qualified business professionals.  To RSVP and secure your spot please go to!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Solidify Your Brand | Defining your Target Market

Solidify Your Brand | Defining your Target Market

Here is your 2nd Holiday Gift to help you wrap up 2010 and become more strategic for the New Year and decade!  If you’ve been in business less than a year and are still seeing no movement in sales, maybe your approach is too broad.  With the state of the economy, having a well-defined target market or clarity in your ideal customer is more important than ever. To target customers the “Virtuoso” way you must develop a powerful brand that easily answers the buying questions of your target prospects.   With this clarity you can effectively launch a marketing program that will quickly generate sales and increase market share for your products and services within just 3 – 6 months of aggressive execution. So here it is…

5 Easy Steps that can help you define your target market:

       Data Mining within your current database.  As the business owner, you should not be doing this activity.  Outsource this task to an intern or assistant to get a comprehensive picture of your current customer profile.  Understand the important similarities and differences within your book of business.  Here are some examples: age, location, education, industry, hobbies, how did you meet or acquire customer, and how much business do they do with you?

       By using the above data you’ve discovered, develop a digital market segmentation of your database. A market segment is a sub-set of a market made up of people or organizations with one or more ... Identify segments, lifestyles & purchase patterns of your customers.  Create multiple groups, lists and reasons for contact so that you can effectively touch these people based on their interests.

       Revisit your current brand or establish a new brand based on trends found.  Specialize and define yourself as a “Virtuoso” in a specific discipline or to a specific customer demographic based on the information you’ve found.  Be sure to clarify your new company mission and vision based on these findings.  This step will take you a few steps closer to optimizing your brand identity based on your ideal customer profile.

       Begin using social media marketing EFFECTIVELY.  In 2011, stop the random and unorganized posts.  Establish a campaign that will help your customers understand who you are, what you do and WHY you are the best business for them to use.  Your social media marketing process should include strategies that add your ideal customer groups, fan pages, individuals and businesses.  Go beyond just connecting and adding but deliver information that positions you as that customers “Virtuoso.”

       Launch an Internet Marketing focused on building Brand awareness.  As we’ve stated before, you must always be targeted in your approach.  Make sure you are listed in directories, websites, magazines and through vendors partners that have similar customers to your ideal customer base,

Once your read to execute this, contact us at and learn how to continue branding and solidifying your target customers for 2011. or If you need assistance please contact us at 1-800-383-1148 Or visit our website

Let’s Get on Target!!

Brenda Alexander

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays... Planning Monday

Hello Virtuosos...

This holiday, reflect on your plan and making it count.  Don't let this happen to your business!

Your Fellow Virtuosos!

Biz Virtuoso, Inc.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Storming Strategy 2011

Storming Strategy 2011
2010 is just 18 days from ending.  For most of us it is a great time for reflecting, revising and redefining our goals for both our personal and business life.  For this Biz Virtuoso Planning Monday, I want you to set aside 30 minutes to complete an activity that could help change your life.  I learned about this visioning process during my Transformative Narrative Process training with Prime Directive Consulting Group, which was created by Yvette Hyater-Adams.  This activity is not easy but it is effective!  I can honestly say that after much reflection and strategy around my answers, I was able to re-launch my business to a new level.  Here is our first gift to you towards 2011!

50 Things & Persons Free Write Activity
You want to begin this activity in a time and place where you can focus, relax and release your thoughts freely without second-guessing, doubt or hesitations.  Get 4 pieces of paper and number 1 to 50 on each before beginning.  As you push through the following open yourself to the unobvious and allow your bare instinct and bind to take over. 
1.     50 Things I am dealing with! (Business or personal)

2.     50 Things I want to achieve! (Business or personal)

3.     50 People I know!

4.     50 People I know that can help me do the things I want to to! (Think outside the box of your own personal contact but to people you may have extended connections to or people you dont know at all.)
Once youve completed this activity, take a day or two to reflect and think about your answers and path youve detailed.  Want to learn how to make this activity work for you and come to life? Contact us to learn more about our Business Strategy Development Process.  Call 1-800-383-1148 or 646-845-7338 or visit us at!

Your Strategy Virtuoso,
Cynthia G. Peacock
Are we friends on Facebook: or Twitter:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Your Social Media Identity...

Your Social Media Identity...

Social media, you and your business.... How many of us effectively utilize it, abuse it or just don't understand it's value?  I would say, that I've been on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and some of the other social media sites, basically since their inception.  Initially, as we all do, this was used for social connection, voicing my opinions and even sometimes for my random rants! Some things have stayed the same... And some things have drastically changed.  However the real reason for today's summary is to chat about who you are on the social media sites and how it can either supports or hamper your abilities as a business owner or professional.

You... As a unique individual, millions and trillions of thoughts surface in you mind on a daily basis, doubts, excitements, fears and successes. Whether you've discovered it or not... Your uniqueness is valuable and can become a priceless message to someone else's life experience and challenges right now.  How can you translate all you are and all you think to a medium such as Facebook, EFFECTIVELY?
One way is by clearly defining your brand or brand identity and staying true to that at all times.  Branding, on social media sites, is time consuming, PERIOD.  You cannot brand or effectively reach the number of people you would like in one shot.  However, with time, energy and finesse in this process you will effectively be delivering your brand message to your potential customers daily and for FREEEE!!! This can make or break you and your business.  You must be careful that your message is correctly received; otherwise your efforts may not result in your desired outcome. 

I am sure your saying, that's great and all but, how can you summarize yourself up and repackage it to help people better understand you and your goals?

1.     Be conscious of the statements you use and the messages on your page.
2.     Be aware of all images you release and how they translate to people who may not know you or what you  do.
3.     Be visible about you and your business?
4.     Be careful of the campaigns you follow, because this gives people more data to build a digital picture of you and your brand... 

Want to learn more??? Read Social Media 101 by Chris Brogan and delve deeper into how you can optimize your experience and brand online!

Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Cynthia G. Peacock, President
Biz Virtuoso, Inc.

Biz Virtuoso, Inc. is a strategic business development firm focused on creating “Virtuosos” or experts in business development, management and strategy.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Smart Business Plans: Easy Finance

Smart Business Plans: Easy Finance
Do you have a plan for success???

A plan in simple terms is a roadmap that helps one attain their end objectives. Be it making everyday decisions or running big businesses, plans are pivotal in determining the success or failure of ones business. A plan can be as simple as deciding how to get to work or as complex as determining the method of production to give you optimal profits. Why are so many entrepreneurs so resistant to the process of sitting and planning before executing?

As a business owner, approaching and making decisions based on your business point of view can mean the assessment of various variables that contribute to the end product. Each and every area, be it production, marketing or developing strategies, all require an in depth analysis and research.  As well all know, there are no businesses that operate without considering the key elements that affect it, so we must plan for the unknown sometimes. Otherwise, we put ourselves at a disadvantaged due to the sheer fact that we will have no back ups or pre meditated POA in case of a crisis.

One might wonder whether plans are effective in this dynamic environment. Also with the fast changing needs of a business, is there any reason we should plan ahead. Well, the answer would be, plans in spite of being subject to constant changes, guide our actions and help us make revisions and fine tunings much faster. They are a benchmark against which we can track business growth and processes.

In addition to this, businesses cannot function without money. The ready availability of finance is essential for the attainment of ones end objective. No matter how good our business idea is, and however strongly we might believe in it, we cannot convince people to believe in it and put in their money unless they have concrete facts and figures. This is attained by undergoing constant and thorough research, detailed analysis and by developing a good presentation. However, undergoing the above is not a sure shot guarantee of attaining success. Planning is only the beginning but not the end of the roadmap to success.

Businesses are situation specific. For different situations there are a set of things that do, and a larger set of things that don’t work. By taking the time to develop or by availing our Business Plan Service, you get access to tried and tested solutions to make sure you don’t lose out.

Do you have a plan already?
The following are some sources of meeting your company financially secure:

Bank loan | Credit line | Partnership agreement | Private investment |
Venture Capitalist | Angel Investor

Biz Virtuoso is here to make your plans foolproof. We are the experts in providing Business Plan Assistance, Business Marketing Plans and Strategic Business Consulting to name a few.  No matter whichever method you choose, Business Plan Assistance or Business Consulting goes a long way in giving that extra edge to empower your ideas.  Contact Biz Virtuoso to make your plans Foolproof and soar ahead of your competitors.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Release... Relax... Reflect

Release... Relax... Reflect
Fridays are for most people the end of the workweek and should be a day filled with expectations of a wonderful and stress free weekend.

Here are a few ideas to help you to make the best of your Friday and the beginning of your weekend.

Music can go a long way in improving your mood on your commute to work and releases stress. Take a few minutes out of the day to relax with a cup of Tea; this adds a touch of calm. Smile a smile costs nothing and makes everybody’s day ... but have some of us forgotten how?

Learning how to relax is a key to good life balance and self-respect. Adding relaxation to your day will improve your productivity.  Getting sleep is a very important part of life.  During sleep, your mind continues learning in ways that are not possible during waking hours.  Sleep restores and refreshes your body in ways that does not occur when awake.

Take time to reflect, write down 5 things you are thankful for. This is a powerful tool to empower you with positive thoughts. Sometimes we are so focused on the negative that we forget about the positive. Do something nice for someone; you will be surprised how you will feel afterwards.

At Biz Virtuoso we challenge you to take out time for yourself.  In order to be the best "Virtuoso" that you can be, it is imperative to exercise positive awareness.  Hope these suggestions are helpful. Do you use the three R’s “Release, Relax and Reflect”?  What other techniques help you prepare for the weekend.

Enjoy your weekend!!!!. We are “A Helping Hand In All Your Business Needs”.  Please feel free to contact us by email at or call us 1-800-343-1148.  You can also follow us on Facebook and twitter. We look forward to serving you.

Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Brenda Alexander

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vital Brand Positioning…

Vital Brand Positioning…

As we’ve discussed before branding is vital to any business’s success.  It is an effective strategy than can help put in place a passive marketing program because an effectively translated brand helps to tell everyone WHO you are, WHAT you do and HOW you get it done.  Being strategic about your brand is a serious concern that every business owner must consider because in the end YOU are your brand and will always directly affect your bottom line.  Consider the following points to optimize your brand and effectively market you business.

POSTIONING…“Definition: In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization.” – Wikipedia

What is your overall brand position in the minds of your customers? Do they believe you are their best choice or option? Have you been intentional at positioning yourself or you business in front of the right demographics?

CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS…“The final level of consumer perception involves augmented properties, which offer less tangible benefits, such as customer assistance, maintenance services, training, or appealing payment options.” – ThomasNet

Do you go above and beyond for your customers?  Positioning gets you in the minds of prospective customers, but value-added approach may close the deals.  Be sure to always go above and beyond the expectations and needs of the customer.  Build your reputation for being that kind of “Virtuoso” in your business and you can be sure that your business will always flourish and grow!

We have a wealth of knowledge being shared daily on our Facebook page at, join us and help to create more “Virtuosos” daily! Interested in working with us?  Visit us at or call 1-800-383-1148 to set up a free consultation. Hope this was helpful!!!

Cynthia G. Peacock

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NYC SOUP is back...

NYC SOUP is back...

Hello to our current and potentially new SOUP members...

We are back and better than before.  NYC SOUP or your New York City Society of Urban professionals took a few months off to rebrand, re-strategize and come back with the right events, forum and opportunities you really want and need to help you grow your business.  As some of you may know, our SOUP group is not just about getting the next customer or the next deal but it is truly to build partnerships with ACHIEVERS just like you.  

Our Mission:
To are dedicated to being the connectors of driven, motivated, ethical and high achieving professionals in the New York City business community.  By doing this we are committed to being your partners in all your endeavors and we strive to be another ingredient in your SOUP of success.

What do you think of our new logo?

Enough of all that talk lets network... Check out our improved pages and request to join us today:

Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Cynthia G. Peacock

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why Employers Should Consider Duel Advancement Tracks

Why Employers Should Consider Duel Advancement Tracks

Both at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and as in-house counsel, I encountered hundreds of first line supervisors and understand the importance of the first line supervisor to any organization.  Most first line supervisors who have received proper training perform effectively.   On this other hand, some first line supervisors who probably should never have been made supervisors in the first place turn out to be terrible supervisors. Unfortunately, in most companies, the employee who is an outstanding individual contributor has to join the management team in order to advance.  I advocate that the savvy employer opt for duel track advancement. 

Too often employees are recommended for supervisory positions because they are skilled at their jobs, excelling as individual contributors.  But there are times when excellent individual contributors do not have the skills necessary for supervision.   While it is essential to have a knowledge base in the area that you are supervising, it is not necessary to be a technical super star.  Among the characteristics required to be an effective supervisor are first-rate inter-personal skills, good listening skills and on some occasions, a modicum of compassion.  Most employees who have supervisors who have these qualities feel that they are being treated fairly in the workplace and perform to their greatest potential.

To avoid the problem of promoting an employee into supervision who does not have the skills to become an effective supervisor, I recommend creating a two-tier promotion structure.  Allow the excellent individual contributor to advance on a parallel track to the employee who is being groomed for supervision.  The two should have similar job titles and receive the same base pay because the company values the two tracks equally.   The employee in the supervisory role should receive other incentive pay in the form of a bonus, stock options, a combination of the two or some other form of incentive pay because they are managers, and their success is dependent on the performance of others.   Having supervisors who have been thoughtfully considered for the job they are to perform will always result in fewer internal and external employee complaints.

Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Wanda E. Flowers, Esq.

DISCLAIMER:  Nothing in this blog should be considered legal advice.  For legal advice, consult a licensed attorney about your specific concerns. For more information on how we can help you run your business more effectively, please contact us at or call us at 1-800-383-1148.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Entrepreneurial Dilemma

The Entrepreneurial Dilemma

Entrepreneurship, as we all know, has no defined age to start off.  Somebody might be enthusiastic about an idea when he is 15 or someone may want to start a business at the age of 70. The plain and simple fact is that it is never too late. For that matter, it is never too early either.  Passion and belief in ones ideas is what sets the entrepreneurial spirit going. And once an idea strikes you, you want to begin execution right away. Well we understand the spirit, but the first step in execution is generally a Business Plan.  Planning supports many new business owners in the path to realizing their business's full potential or prevent them from losing focus in the early stages.

Most Strategic Business Plans are laughed at or overlooked initially.  People scare you with statistics of the existing competition, the slowing demand, the ever-reducing incomes and any other information, which will result in a change of mind.  But if you have the courage to take the next step, this is the place to be. A disciplined approach and a well-placed Business Plan Strategy is the simple formula for you to achieve success. Concrete research, a great understanding and a well-defined plan are the essentials in all well formed organizations. Your plan needs to be time bound with a strict roadmap in place.  Vague or unclear objectives result in vague and unclear results.  With lack of clarity or focus, the end results seldom match what you visualized in the starting. The results may force you to get back to the drawing board and start reworking your Business from scratch.

Money, Time and your Efforts are the most precious resources for any business. If they are not directed towards the right objective in the right manner, the end result can be complete disaster. At Biz Virtuoso we are here to provide you with directed and strategic Business Plan Assistance and Execution. We will help you give form to your ideas and settle your mind of that is continuously buzzing with ideas.  Whether you are at the beginning, end or mid way through your business development process our team of consultants will support you in effectively launching your business.  A business house needs to be a dynamic entity and not static one. This energy and enthusiasm is exactly what has helped us reach our position in business and industry as a Business Consulting Center. Our highly experienced consultants our focused on delivering the best advice and process that will make the most out of your business.  Join hands with us to make a difference.

Your Fellow Virtuosos

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Real Benefit of Employee Classifications

The Real Benefit of Employee Classifications

The number one reason to conduct employee classification reviews is to assure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) enforced by the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor (DOL).  The FLSA generally requires employers to pay overtime to non-exempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek.  Employees are presumed to be non-exempt if they do not qualify for the executive, professional or administrative exemption under the law. 
Another reason for companies to comply with the law is to avoid the large settlements that can result from misclassification.  Recently several lawsuits have resulted in multi-million dollar settlements for plaintiffs.  Just one FLSA lawsuit can bankrupt a small or medium sized company.  The Secretary of Labor has added hundreds of investigators intent on assuring that non-exempt employees receive the overtime pay to which they are entitled.  With greater emphasis being placed on the issue, the plaintiff’s bar is actively seeking clients, and employees themselves are filing complaints with the DOL.
In addition to the compliance and monetary reasons, there are some practical business reasons for conducting a classification review.  During the course of the review, employers may discover that some employees previously classified as exempt will need to be re-classified as non-exempt.  Generally speaking, this discovery, viewed in the proper perspective, can lead to better management, leading to greater efficiency in the workplace.  Employers can put rules in place for granting or denying overtime and for disciplining employees who violate the rules.  The process can also be used to look at each employee and the job they are performing.  The employer may find that the company will benefit from reassigning some employees.  Unfortunately, it may also be necessary to terminate employees whose skills are no longer needed.  With the right attitude, a process that could be viewed as negative can be converted into a positive activity that leads to greater efficiency in and increased for profits the business.  

Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Wanda E. Flowers, Esq.
Disclaimer:  Nothing in this blog is to be taken as legal advice.  For legal advice, please consult with a licensed attorney regarding your specific circumstances.  Want to learn more?  Contact us at!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Biz Virtuoso Unveils Economy Friendly Consulting Packages

Biz Virtuoso Unveils Economy Friendly Consulting Packages

It is in times of crisis that Great Entrepreneurs emerge. It was during The Great Depression of 1929 when a certain Walt Disney begun to gain popularity. He entertained people when they were in their lowest phase of life, depressed, bankrupt and broken. We all know the empire this man has left behind. The fascinating thing is how he has touched our everyday lives.

In 2009 another phase of depressions is setting in. Recession has hit everybody and it has hit hard. With record low recruitments and ever reducing salaries, it is time that students secure their lives and do not rely on placements. Day on day, the biggest of companies and banks are going bankrupt. No one knows what the future holds and the only thing people are depending upon is HOPE.

Biz Virtuoso is looking for magic to happen again. Biz Virtuoso recently launched a strategic economic consulting package for college graduates and recently laid-off executives. By availing this package, these critical demographic are entitled to discounts in the range of 10-15% depending on the choice of package. Ms. Cynthia Peacock, founder Biz Virtuoso, feels an economy package would empower and motivate more people to chase the entrepreneurial spirit in them.

With the Economy package in place, you can look forward to triumph over the murkiness that the net of Recession has cast over everyone. Biz Virtuoso expertise lies in its ability to impart top of the notch business plans and consulting to businesses, small or big. The firm strongly believes that Business Development opportunities are always available irrespective of whether a business in its inception stage or is well established. Business Marketing Plans, Business Sales Leads and Strategic Business Consulting are some of the services that a business can utilize to accrue maximum benefits.

Biz Virtuoso, a business plan development firm has successfully helped many businesses turn the table. The services offered by them can be availed of by anyone operating in any cycle of the business. It is a matter of time when Businesses can become history unless it is guided by a desire to continually innovate and provide beyond customer expectations.

Instead of cursing your luck or destiny, its time you act. If you have an idea, we are the catalyst. Contact us to see what these ideas can do. 
Cynthia PeacockPhone: 1-800-383-1148

If you have the seed called idea, we are going to the farmers who nurture it. Join hands with Biz Virtuoso to make a difference!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Employee Performance Reviews

Employee Performance Reviews

Supervisors dread giving performance reviews.  They often have feelings of guilt or difficulty delivering negative news to likable employees.  They avoid fair and honest reviews to their detriment when termination is the only option for an employee who has performed in a manner that has caused the Company monetary and/or reputational damage. 

As Supervisory Trial Attorney and Regional Attorney at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, I read thousands of employer position statements where poor performance was cited as the reason for the discharge.  In response to the position statements, employees submitted performance reviews rating them as meets, exceeds or outstanding in the same areas cited for the termination.  When asked to explain the performance decline, supervisors responded that the performance was never great, but they didn’t want to give negative feedback in the review.  Some supervisors believed that a positive review mentioning no areas for improvement would actually motivate the employee.

I supervised employees for over 25 years and observed that no one benefits from a dishonest review.  Employees need to be told of areas for improvement and areas of excellence.  Dishonest performance reviews lead employees to a false sense of job security and ultimate disappointment when another supervisor tells them that they are not performing well.  Moreover, the business may have to settle a meritless claim because the glowing review cannot be rebutted.

As counsel, I advise supervisors that it is best to give honest feedback to employees during performance reviews.  There is no need for feelings of guilty if employees have the training for and the support needed to perform the essential functions of the job.  Employees still unable to perform the job are solely responsible for the poor performance review; it is not the supervisor’s fault.

Your Fellow Virtuoso,
Wanda E. Flowers

Disclaimer:  Nothing in this blog is to be taken as legal advice.  For legal advice, please consult with a licensed attorney regarding your specific circumstances.  Want to learn more?  Contact us at!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Entrepreneurs Yoga Guide… HEHEHE

The Entrepreneurs Yoga Guide… HEHEHE
Looking to make a difference in your day and business? Well sometimes its all in the way you relax. Stressed money does not always make money. Try it out and let us know how did?

Happy Friday... Do something fun... Love your business, live your life and succeed ALWAYS! Follow us at; visit us at Or CALL US at 1-800-383-1148. Hope this was helpful!!!
Your Fellow Virtuosos!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Idea VS Virtuoso

Idea VS Virtuoso
I recently read an article on title… It’s not the idea – Its what you do with it. This statement was so relevant to today’s economy and business climate. Many business owners experience hesitations in launching their companies based on their confusion on the most effective strategies and marketing methods when it comes to a new idea.
Coincidentally, this same concern became a topic of discussion at an event just this week. Just a few days ago, I was an active participant in an entrepreneur discussion hosted by DonAngelo Bevans of During this session, the speaker discussed problem solving techniques and tools. One problem that surfaced was FEAR of idea pirvacy and how the focus on the negatives often leads to new business failures. Throughout the discussion, many people had several different interpretations of this frequent entrepreneur obstacle. Whether you are looking to get funding from private investors, banks and through other sources, you must expose vision before they can buy into your ideas, CORRECT? You would be surprised at how many entrepreneur cringe or even freeze at the thought of this or the potential that they may lose their time, money and emotional investments to launch this “new big thing.” However, one thing that we all can agree on is that “there are many ideas, but the people or executers are the difference.” So why does it matter if you share your vision, if you are confident that YOU and ONLY you have the insight to execute it most effectively? In saying this… What do you think?
o As a “Virtuoso” or expert in your business, is it the idea that makes you success in business or is it you that drives, sells and grows the vision into a reality?
o How can you measure the rewards in the risk as a business owner if you do not have the courage to leap?
o How valuable is an idea with out the “Virtuoso” to properly execute or how valuable is the “Virtuoso” without a new and brilliant idea?
o When selling, marketing and launching your business, is it more important for you to stand out in the crowd, have effective communication, top-notch sales ability, or is it all about what you are selling?
Sit and ponder on this and let us know your thoughts.
“Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately it takes a lifetime to master.”
~ Phil Kolter
Coming soon: “The Virtuoso Start-Up Handbook.” Follow us at, visit us at Or CALL US at 1-800-383-1148.

Becoming the GO TO Networker

Becoming the GO TO Networker
As we’ve discussed before, networking is not so much about how many people you can meet to close more deals. The ultimate networkers are “Go To” resources or “Centers of Influences” for many people and businesses. So how can you become that person? It is not easy but there are simple steps to get you one step closer to becoming that PERSON in the minds of your friends, colleagues, associates and even competition.
Lets start where it really matters. GET OUT THERE AND MEET PEOPLE! Well to begin, it is obvious that you should be involved, visible and active within your community, organizations and networks. By becoming visible and present resource that people can depend on, you start to build your reputation in their minds.
Next, be sure to be dependable and trustworthy. If you say you can, make sure you get it done! Credibility and Dependability are invaluable characteristic everyone appreciates and remembers. By being this person in the minds of your network, you are one more step closer to becoming that influencer.
Now, that you have the attention of your partners and community members, build a comprehensive database. Whether you do so, or you outsource this task, be sure to be detailed in your database of contacts, prospects and relationships. Opportunity is found in the details! And in business detail is everything from birthdays, anniversaries, spouse name, children names, interesting facts, notes of previous conversations, likes and dislikes and much more that keeps this person fresh in your mind.
Lastly, STAY CONNECTED! Find out on a monthly basis, what is going on with your community members. How is business? What are their needs? After doing this, go a step further to connect, suggest or resolve whatever obstacle your connect is currently going through. A constant and genuine touch these contacts such as these will make you stand out as more than just another “aggressive networker.” If you don’t have the answer or the understanding, connect them with the person that may be that resource to them. By selflessly making connections and solving problems for others, the law of reciprocity will eventually turn towards you.

Now you got our tips for today… What are you waiting for??? To learn more on relationship building, check out “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazi. Become a “VIRTUOSO” in your business today and launch yourself to a new plane of success before the end of 2010.
Visit us at for more information about who we are and what we do! Set up a free consultation today and let us help you succeed in 2010!
Virtuoso Consulting Team

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Branding does not end there…

Branding does not end there…
Congratulations! You started your business, selected a name, created your slogan and developed a logo. Now you can go out, print your business cards and new business will flock to you… RIGHT???
NOT EXACTLY… Try again… there is much more to do and lots of steps to take before you are just as known as NIKE, APPLE or PEPSI! All the largest brands have invested lots of time, effort, money, intention and strategy into making sure that their customers know exactly whom they are and what they do. Why should you and your business be any different? You want to grow a success business and long lasting brand right? If not, you can stop reading here.
In order to build an effective and strategic brand there are 3 core things every business owner should be conscious and considerate of.
Delivery – Whom are you targeting? Who is your current customer? Where do they live and work? Why will they buy from you? After you’ve asked yourself the following questions, you should have a better idea where to advertise your business, what networking events to attend and where to strategically position your company to attract customers.
Perception – What do your perspective customers think about you and your business? Are they comfident that you can provide the products or services they need and want? Consumer buying motives are driven based on a person's confidence that you can provide what they want and need. Therefore you as the business owner are a vital ingredient in the sucess of your company's brand. Become intentional in your actions because people are watching and basing their decisions on which they “think” you are.
Expectations - What are your result expectations of the branding process? Branding is not a passive activity but an ongoing and effort driven process. Brand awareness and branding success is not easily accomplished without a strategy, intention and action plan. You could have the best idea or plan that no one ever hears about. Become clear on your expectations from the branding process and your level of involvement. Once these decisions are clarified, you will know how to properly structure you team to become most effective in this process.
Friend us on Facebook at or visit us at Or CALL US at 1-800-383-1148. Hope this was helpful!!!
Signed by your Fellow Virtuoso,
Cynthia G. Peacock

Monday, October 18, 2010

5 Secrets to Business Success by Richard Branson

Richard Branson: Five Secrets to Business


The celebrated entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin Group offers his tips for starting out.
So I’ve spent some time thinking about what characterizes so many of Virgin’s successful ventures and, importantly, what went wrong when we did not get it right. Reflecting across 40 years I have come up with five “secrets.”
No. 1: Enjoy What You Are Doing. Because starting a business is a huge amount of hard work, requiring a great deal of time, you had better enjoy it. When I started Virgin from a basement flat in West London, I did not set out to build a business empire. I set out to create something I enjoyed that would pay the bills.
There was no great plan or strategy. The name itself was thought up on the hoof. One night some friends and I were chatting over a few drinks and decided to call our group Virgin, as we were all new to business. The name stuck and had a certain ring to it.
For me, building a business is all about doing something to be proud of, bringing talented people together and creating something that’s going to make a real difference to other people’s lives.
A businesswoman or a businessman is not unlike an artist. What you have when you start a company is a blank canvas; you have to fill it. Just as a good artist has to get every single detail right on that canvas, a businessman or businesswoman has to get every single little thing right when first setting up in business in order to succeed. However, unlike a work of art, the business is never finished. It constantly evolves.
If a businessperson sets out to make a real difference to other people’s lives, and achieves that, he or she will be able to pay the bills and have a successfulbusiness to boot.
No. 2: Create Something That Stands Out. Whether you have a product, a service or a brand, it is not easy to start a company and to survive and thrive in the modern world. In fact, you’ve got to do something radically different to make a mark today.
Look at the most successful businesses of the past 20 years. Microsoft, Google or Apple, for example, shook up a sector by doing something that hadn’t ever been done and by continually innovating. They are now among the dominant forces.
No. 3: Create Something That Everybody Who Works for You is Really Proud of. Businesses generally consist of a group of people, and they are your biggest assets.
No. 4: Be a Good Leader. As a leader you have to be a really good listener. You need to know your own mind but there is no point in imposing your views on others without some debate. No one has a monopoly on good ideas or good advice.
Get out there, listen to people, draw people out and learn from them. As a leader you’ve also got to be extremely good at praising people. Never openly criticize people; never lose your temper, and always lavish praise on your colleagues for a job well done.
People flourish if they’re praised. Usually they don’t need to be told when they’ve done wrong because most of the time they know it. If somebody is not working out, don’t automatically throw him or her out of the company. A company should genuinely be a family. So see if there’s another job within the company that suits them better. On most occasions you’ll find something for every single kind of personality.
No. 5: Be Visible. A good leader does not get stuck behind a desk. I’ve never worked in an office – I’ve always worked from home – but I get out and about, meeting people. It seems I am traveling all the time but I always have a notebook in my back pocket to jot down questions, concerns or good ideas.
If I’m on a Virgin Atlantic plane, I make certain to get out and meet all the staff and many of the passengers. If you meet a group of Virgin Atlantic crew members, you are going to have at least 10 suggestions or ideas. If I don’t write them down, I may remember only one the next day. By writing them down, I remember all 10. Get out and shake hands with all the passengers on the plane, and again, there are going to be people who had a problem or have a suggestion. Write it down, make sure that you get their names, get their e-mail addresses, and make sure the next day that you respond to them.
Of course, I try to make sure that we appoint managing directors who have the same philosophy. That way we can run a large group of companies in the same way a small business owner runs a family business – keeping it responsive and friendly.
When you’re building a business from scratch, the key word for many years is “survival.” It’s tough to survive. In the beginning you haven’t got the time or energy to worry about saving the world. You’ve just got to fight to make sure you can look after your bank manager and be able to pay the bills. Literally, your full concentration has to be on surviving.
Obviously, if you don’t survive, just remember that most businesses fail and the best lessons are usually learned from failure. You must not get too dispirited. Just get back up and try again.
© 2010 Richard Branson
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